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halton housing staff

Social Impact

What we do


We measure the value of our social impact through HACT, and produce a social impact statement annually. We strive to continually improve services and local facilities and are always looking for local organisations and groups to support or work with in partnership.

The social impact we have made in 2023


Watch our social impact and engagement highlights from the past year.

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Funding for local groups


Does your group need a Helping Hand?

As the largest landlord in the borough we recognise that we have an active part to play in the wider community by helping to create new opportunities for individuals and groups, and contributing to the quality of local life.

Through our Helping Hands initiative we are able to provide community funding, materials and skills to projects which benefit the local community.

Destination Programmes


We aim to create lasting improvements, bringing communities together, and create opportunities in all of our neighbourhoods by working with our partners over the coming years through our Destinations programme.

Remote video URL